Joey is Singapore's renowned mentor on how to make an income by trading the stock market, an author and one of the most-watched, quoted and followed stock trading trainers in Singapore. Over the years, he has conducted numerous full house seminars, enriching thousands to trade more profitably.
Joey’s come back story from a S$740k debt has been featured in the Business Times and inspired thousands in Singapore. Click here to read the full story.
In less than 3 years, he is highly regarded as one of the Top Tier Remisiers (Stock Brokers) and Traders, bagging numerous yearly awards like Top CFD Specialist 2013, Top Account Growth Achievement 2014 and Top Trading Representative and Top CFD Achiever every year from 2014 to 2022 in Phillip Securities.
His Signature program, Precision Trading Intensive has also taken the market by storm with raving reviews seen no where.

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Programs with Joey

Precision Trading Intensive is Joey’s signature program where students learn proprietary stock trading strategies that allow them to conquer the Stock Market in an interactive and exciting experience. In this 2 and a half days intensive program, you will learn powerful lessons on Technical Analysis, Trading Psychology and Risk Management at the highest level. Click here to find out more in a FREE Workshop.